Most of the women in my doula practice become so connected to their babies by the end of their pregnancy, they’re not so concerned with acquiring all the accoutrements advertised on [...]
As a Nutritionist, I often get asked what’s my best advice for attaining a healthy diet. People are often surprised I don’t tell them to eliminate carbs, or even bread. I don’t [...]
The recent passage of Calibornia bill SB 277, which mandates certain vaccines in order for a child to be allowed to attend school, has created quite an uproar among parents concerned about losing [...]
“A woman births as she lives.” Years ago, I saw these profound words on a poster at church, at Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. I believe it was even before I [...]
Sharing a good friend’s journey in healing from his diagnosis with ulcerative colitis, a painful condition affecting the gut. We seem to be having an epidemic of gut health issues, from [...]
What is it you love in someone else? What draws you so powerfully to that person and makes you feel deeply connected? Often, it’s a quality that’s already within you, just waiting to [...]
Transitions transitions. Times of change can bring up intense feelings of excitement, and also loss. If we take a look at what we’re really afraid of losing, we may find it can’t be [...]
We all experience the shadow side of life, those moments of darkness we so wish we could avoid. Today I invite you into the cave to experience the truth of who you are. “There is no reason [...]