In Emotional Wellness

Do you ever feel down and don’t know how to snap out of it?

Sometimes the cause is spending time with someone who we allow to drain our energy. Sometimes even thoughts about that person cause energy drain, and we may find ourselves feeling down as a result. I refer to this experience as an “emotional hangover.” The person who triggers it may be a family member we find challenging, someone whose behavior we find troubling, someone we feel attached to who isn’t returning our affections, or someone we don’t feel we can be ourselves around.

It can really feel like this person is the cause of our suffering, but in reality we are responsible not only for our actions, but also for our own thoughts and even our emotional state. It can feel like the pang of what this person brings up is insurmountable—-like we are caught in a cloud of gloom. But shifting out of this dark space is not only possible, but refreshingly simple. And, it feels much better than dragging ourselves around in the dumps.

So what is this simple shift?

It’s stepping into a space of unconditional love. Or, as I like to say, BEING unconditional love.

Love is our natural state of being. That’s not an airy fairy notion; the proof is that when we are out of alignment with love, we don’t feel good. And the secret to feeling good again is having the willingness to remember who we are and a willingness to allow ourselves to approach whatever we’re experiencing from that space of unconditional love.

Where in your life could you welcome unconditional love more fully? What would that look like and how would you feel as a result?

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