In Personal Transformation

A dear friend shared with me yesterday that she’s been wanting to start a web series herself, but she said, she doesn’t like the sound of her voice or the way she looks on camera. I literally had to pick my jaw up off the floor as I heard this. This particular woman happens to be one of the most powerful people in my life, and is a huge inspiration to me. Not to mention, she is gorgeous. And I don’t mean “beautiful on the inside.” She literally turns heads wherever she goes, and her voice is sweet as a nightingale’s song.

So what the heck is going on here? I’ll tell you, because it happens to the best of us: my friend was mistaking the chatter of her MIND for reality. The two have nothing to do with each other.

Our human minds are designed to protect us and keep us safe, and unfortunately, they go about this by constantly comparing, evaluating, analyzing, and judging. Rarely does it help us connect with truth—-in fact, it can keep us from it, caught in a web of judgements and analyses.

The good news is, noticing when this is happening is the key to overcoming it. Know that there is no truth in that voice; it’s just the constant mindless drivel of the mind to say “you’re not good enough,” “don’t do it,” “people won’t like you”….because that’s how it keeps us limited to our familiar and “safe” comfort zone.

So when you begin to recognize that voice for what it is—-your mind’s automatic programming—– you can then say, “thanks for sharing” and go ahead with whatever it is that calls you out of your comfort zone and into uncharted territory. That’s where true freedom is, where we’re able to be ourselves, discover our own greatness and share it with the world. That is my wish for my dear friend, for all my sisters, and for you.

Go make love to the world and tell you’re mind to “Shhhhhhhh……”

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